Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shark! Halloween costume.

I got into the Halloween spirit a bit early this year and this weekend I was given the opportunity for uninterrupted craft time. (Hubby was out of town!)

So naturally, I ran down to Hobby Lobby and picked up some supplies to make this shark costume. A friend of mine from school that I'm now friends with on Facebook, has this adorable picture on her page of her and her little brother from a Halloween many moons ago. In this picture I was given the inspiration to take a stab at making a shark costume for my youngest child. Her mother, who was my elementary school art teacher, had made this glorious shark costume for my friend's little brother. I took the picture and figured up a pattern. After a couple hours of sewing and a little bit of hot gluing, here's my cute Chase posing in his new costume! I may sew the glued items down later on, but for now it will do!

The second photo gives a better view of the sleeves/fins. Chase was asleep when I finished the costume so his big sister tried it on for me. This was before I added a few more teeth!

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1 comment:

Emily Leiphart said...

What a fabulous shark costume!!